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Sacred Business Flow

Take The Love Led Leap with Carolina Wilke & Phil Powis

We help driven entrepreneurs get out of their heads and into their hearts to finally start living the life of their dreams.

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Recent Newsletters

Members Public

045:The Power of Partnership: How We Stay in Sync with Our 5-Minute Daily Review

cLast week, during a call with a prospective client, a question arose about how Carolina and I maintain such a strong partnership in our business. The individual was feeling overwhelmed about the possibility of opening herself up to partnership in the peer-to-peer community she’s excited to launch in August.

045:The Power of Partnership: How We Stay in Sync with Our 5-Minute Daily Review
Members Public

044: Who are you on the other side of pain?

Everything is falling apart. My body is in pain, and there's tension in my shoulders. My head feels as if it's about to explode. I sense my shallow breaths, my heart beating faster, and the urge to cry. There's a discomfort so profound that

044: Who are you on the other side of pain?
Members Public

043: A State of Disconnection ...

There’s a quote by Albert Einstein that I love which reads: “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion

043: A State of Disconnection ...