The Sacred Business Manifesto
Take the Love-Led Leap
(Hint: Everything is Connected …)
A manifesto to help you take the first step to building a business that will allow you to experience more time, money, and freedom.
What does it mean to create a Sacred Business? You are operating in your fullest expression when there is harmony between you, your business, and the divine. This becomes a sacred act of co-creation where generating wealth & abundance becomes a natural and effortless act of self-love, as you share your greatest gifts with the world.
Hi, I’m Phil Powis, half of the Sacred Business Flow Team. I’m joined by my partner and Chief Energy Officer, Carolina Wilke. You’ll meet Carolina soon, but first, let me tell you about the hardest time of my life.
I’ve lived through one of many entrepreneurs’ worst nightmares.
By 35, I had everything I had ever dreamed of on paper, and I was managing a consulting business bringing in over 100K a month in revenue.
On top of all this, I had only a single employee, which allowed me to spend all my time learning and perfecting my skills while also keeping costs very low.
Yes, on paper my life looked like a dream. If anyone were to observe from the outside looking in, it appeared like things were going great and that I had a thriving business, was driving a fancy car, and had recently bought a beautiful house in the suburbs of Boston.
But on the inside, it was a very different story. I wasn’t feeling connected to abundance or the joy of these accomplishments, because I was feeling conflicted by other things going on in my life and in my head.
Years of ignoring the warning signs of overworking, playing the “lone wolf” who didn’t need the help of others, and not listening to the wisdom of my heart finally culminated in a complete breakdown of my health, several autoimmune conditions, and the discovery of a golf ball-sized tumor growing in my neck.
Talk about uncertainty.
That’s when the doctor dropped the bomb; I had a 50-50 chance that I was walking around with cancer.
“Cancer? Me? But I’m too young for this!”
As I saw my mortality flash before my eyes with my tumor diagnosis, I embarked on a lot of soul-searching about the direction of my life and what was truly important to cultivate in my personal experience and my relationships with others.
Around the same time, halfway across the world, Carolina was experiencing her own critical moment with her health. This critical moment would leave her asking big questions about her life path. The stress of living for years in a fast-paced corporate lifestyle had left her with consistent chronic migraine headaches that made it hard for her to function in her daily life.
She was completely stuck in her head, overthinking life, and the stress of this manifested quite literally as a pain in her head screaming for help.
Carolina exhausted all conventional medical solutions for getting help, eventually giving way to trying lesser-known treatment modalities. One of the most extreme attempts at getting help was when she enlisted the help of a little old Chinese woman who aggressively cracked her jaw, using an obscure Chinese medicine technique to try to improve the flow of Chi. Carolina tells the story that she remembered thinking “Oh my gosh, will she break my face”?
She also found herself in and out of the hospital, experiencing intense vomiting because she was too sensitive to be exposed to light. One day she found herself in Montreal, locked in a dark room, crying as she asked herself a simple question: “I wasn’t born like this, so why would I have to live my whole life having pains like this?” She didn’t know what it was going to take, but she felt a strong conviction that she would find the answer.
Yet, despite her commitment to finding a solution over many years, nothing seemed to make a difference.
Important Definitions from The Glossary
- The Love-Led Leap
When you decide to go all in on creating the life of your dreams by sharing your unique gifts with the world and creating your Sacred Business. - Sacred Business
A business that supports your lifestyle through the creation of more time, money, and freedom. It leads to the fulfillment of your heart’s desire and is connected to the calling of your soul.