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Carolina Wilke

Co-Founder, and Chief Energy Officer

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044: Who are you on the other side of pain?

Everything is falling apart. My body is in pain, and there's tension in my shoulders. My head feels as if it's about to explode. I sense my shallow breaths, my heart beating faster, and the urge to cry. There's a discomfort so profound that

044: Who are you on the other side of pain?
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042: Be With People That Celebrate Your Growth

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to make a pivotal decision in your life, one that resonated deeply with your core beliefs at that moment? Yet, when you began to share your decision with others, you found their perspectives so wildly contrasting with yours that

042: Be With People That Celebrate Your Growth
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What do you really want to experience?

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040: A Conscious Journey Towards Growth

There I was, sitting at the Montreal airport, eagerly awaiting my departure to a remote area in northern Quebec. The anticipation was so intense, it was almost suffocating. The potent mix of joy and excitement was electrifying, to the point of discomfort. I was heading to Kangiqsualujjuaq, an Inuit village

040: A Conscious Journey Towards Growth
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Weekly Message: Sharing Your Desires

Sometimes, when we share our desires with loved ones, their perspective may be different, and their opinions can have a strong impact on us. I invite you to connect within, journal your desires, and be mindful of who you share them with until you have full confidence in yourself. It&

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038: Allowing the invisible to become visible and the power of discipline

The journey of creation is filled with many challenges. Confronting and overcoming these obstacles are essential steps in dispelling certain beliefs and harnessing our full potential as creators. There are no shortcuts in this process, and every achievement demands a price. The universe operates on a principle of cause and

038: Allowing the invisible to become visible and the power of discipline
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Weekly Message: Creating New Habits for Success

In this week's video message, Carolina explores the role of persistence in achieving your dreams. Whether it’s returning to the gym, abstaining from alcohol, or launching a new business idea, learn why it’s essential not to let minor setbacks derail your progress. This message emphasizes the

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036: Are you ready for Accelerated Life Change?

"There are changes happening and they will be out of your control. This is because you are ready for accelerated life change. Rather than paddling, you'll be caught up in a wave and moved farther, faster. Let yourself surge on with the energy of what is happening,

036: Are you ready for Accelerated Life Change?
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Embodied Wisdom for May 2nd, 2024: Exploring the Connection Between Mind, Body, and Soul

Introduction In our journey through life, understanding the intricate connection between our mind, body, and soul is essential for achieving a harmonious balance. This exploration delves into the concepts of self-awareness, honesty, and the energetic centers that influence our existence. The Power of Honesty and Self-Awareness Honesty is not just

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Weekly Message: Finding Joy in the Midst of Uncertainty

I am currently undergoing a significant life change, relocating to a new country and setting up a new home from scratch. This process has been quite challenging, especially as I found myself overwhelmed by the extensive to-do list associated with such a move. However, a shift in perspective occurred when