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017: Holiday Wishes

Phil Powis
Phil Powis
5 min read
017: Holiday Wishes

Good morning!

I'm writing to you from Playa Herradura in the Central Zone of Costa Rica.

The view from the beach in Playa Herradura

I'm here for a little rest and celebration ahead of the Christmas holiday, as I've begun to wind down most of my major projects for the year.

And given that in keeping with our regular Be The Flow schedule you are receiving this on Christmas Eve, I thought I'd keep it shorter than usual.

This is also my last email for 2023.

You'll receive another one from Carolina to close out the year, but by the time you receive another email from me, we will have successfully entered 2024.

So with this email I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and the time and space to move inward over these remaining days to a place that is relaxing, and full of joy.

And if you aren't celebrating Christmas, I wish you an amazing final week of the year.

2023 has been an incredible year for me personally, and one of the biggest highlights has been the privilege I've had of creating Sacred Business Flow with Carolina.

So you are a HUGE part of my joy this year.

We're both so excited to continue to share everything that's unfolding around the 9 Fundamental Frequencies of Sacred Business, and more in-depth training around how to best leverage the lessons that the Harmony Map Assessment offers.

But for now, I'm sending you sincere wishes that you'll be able to enjoy this final week of the year in whatever way is most energizing to you, and that 2024 will be a year that finds you leaning in more to the freedom the flows when you create from a place of true authenticity and inspiration.

I am wishing you the best.

See you in the New Year!


The Business Harmony Map Assessment

The Sacred Business Harmony Map Assessment™

Question for you ...

"What does it mean to have a sacred business? How do you create harmony between you, your business, and the divine? How can your each the fullest expression of your heart's desire, to be in touch with your essence, no matter the level of uncertainty you might be facing?"

Here’s what I’ve come to believe…

Growing your business is a sacred act.

You are operating in your fullest expression when there is harmony between you, your business, and the divine. This becomes a sacred act of co-creation.

This is expressed via what Carolina and I call the 9 Fundamental Frequencies™ and 3 Convergence Points™.

When you are in harmony with these frequencies and you operate from your essence, the sacred business powerfully emerges.It can’t help but be an abundant source of personal fulfillment, while also being in service to something greater than you, a true gift to the world.

So what do you DO with this information?

Over the past few months, Carolina and I have been working intensely to develop our brand new Sacred Business Harmony Map Assessment™ that will in a matter of minutes help you discover where you are experiencing harmony in life currently and where you are seeking balance.

The Harmony Map Assessment™ is now available for YOU to take!

You can find it here -

It is 100% free. It takes about 5-7 minutes to complete, and you'll get your unique Harmony Map instantly.

You don’t have to sacrifice success in order to create from a place of true authenticity and inspiration!


A Strong Start to 2024 ...

We still have space in our calendar for one additional vip weekend in Q1 of 2024 if you are a driven entrepreneur looking to build a Sacred Business that will allow you to experience more time, money, & freedom ...

It's time to fall back in love with your business.

We've been doing this over a 3-day weekend in some of Costa Rica's most beautiful locations.

Sacred Business VIP Weekends in Chirripo, Costa Rica

If you'd like to start the new year strong with a powerful plan and vision for the next year in your business, simply reply to this email and we are happy to co-create an experience with you in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Jesus

In the spirit of these holy days, we're celebrating Jesus this week.

And if you are looking with a way to connect with the energy of Jesus this week, I recommend checking out this beautiful show on Netflix, The Chosen.

No photo description available.
The Chosen is an excellent choice for getting in touch with the energy of Jesus over the holiday season.

Things I'd Like to Share

Quieting the Lizard Brain (Click Here)

Classic Seth Godin on getting out of your own way and overcoming insecurity.

Mother of God (Click Here)

I'm hoping to visit Brazil in 2024, so I've been reading some fun books about adventures in The Amazon. This biographical account reads like an adventure novel as it follows conservationist Paul Rosolie deep into the jungle on a solo adventure when he was just 18 years old. Great storytelling, and a vivid depiction of the wonders that exist in one of the most inaccessible regions on the planet.

Mother of God
Mother of God by Paul Rosolie

TabExtend (Link)


I've been using TabExtend for a couple of years now, so when I saw it was back on AppSumo, I thought it was worth a share! This is a great way to quickly switch content, take notes, and collaborate, all within your browser's new tab.

Effortlessly create Kanban-styled boards to open and close groups of tabs, combine notes, and collaborate, boosting your productivity seamlessly.

Memorable Quote:

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” - The Kybalion

Phil Powis

Co-Founder & Chief Strategist, Sacred Business Flow

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