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WC 002: Finding Balance in 2022

Phil Powis
Phil Powis
2 min read

Hope you’ve all had an amazing start to January, and are moving forward with your plans in whatever ways are most serving right now. In the conversations I’ve had last week around AI, for some it may be highly energetic, while others are sort of taking their time to emerge slowly and intentionally, really savoring the opportunity to rest and reflect, and staying clear of the hustle message that is prevalent in many entrepreneurial circles this time of year.

For me – it’s been a mix of both.

I’ve made some huge commitments to myself and the biz in terms of how I want to show up, and part of that has been getting more organized and structured (Ry and I recently did a full project management overhaul, and also laid out a full roadmap for how we want to move through the year and take things next level).

On the other side of the balance, I’m really trying to honor my energy levels as I recover and heal from some ongoing health challenges. I’m doing my best to put effective measures in place to prevent burnout, as excited as I am about what lies ahead.

One realization I came to last week was that I didn’t really take any planned vacation or downtime last year, and that really effected me.

Yes – I had days off here and there, but it was largely reactive and didn’t really feel restorative because I didn’t do a great job of planning how these times off were going to align with work cycles.

In years past, attending retreats in tropical places like Costa Rica at least once a year has provided both restoration and inspiration, but these past two years in lieu of travel I just kept grinding and that took a toll.

So that’s something I’m committing to this year.

Planned time off.

I invite you to join me in looking ahead at the calendar and making sure you have a few weeks penciled in where you can really give yourself the gift of recharging the batteries.

This starts for me in April.

My wife Janice and I have rented a house with friends in Nosara for the entire month, and I’m so excited for it!

It’s perfect timing, as it will be immediately following the culmination of our Automated Intimacy cohort.

I’ll be working from there, but am also planning to take at least one full week off during this time.

Let me know – how do you plan to keep the balance in 2022?

wizards chest archives

Phil Powis

Co-Founder & Chief Strategist, Sacred Business Flow

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