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YT: Manifest Magic: Unleash Power in the New Year 🌟

This message serves as a reminder of the power of your imagination. It is your inherent ability to manifest the intangible into the tangible world, with all creation beginning in the mind. So, let's harness our imagination to our advantage. Envision 10,000 scenarios in which things could

YT: Manifest Magic: Unleash Power in the New Year 🌟
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YT: From Victim to Creator: Transform Your Challenges

Feeling overwhelmed by the hurdles you're facing? Whether you're struggling in your business or personal life, it's time to transform those challenges into opportunities. From Victim to Creator: Transform Your Challenges is your guide to shifting perspective and finding your clarity. Dive into this

YT: From Victim to Creator: Transform Your Challenges
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YT: Winter Solstice Reflections: Embracing Your Inner Light and Setting Powerful Intentions for 2024

This is an invitation to connect with the darkest part of the year, the winter solstice. Learn how to manifest your intentions from a space of authenticity, peace, and love. You don't need to be a yogi to engage in this practice, just 10-15 minutes of movement and

YT: Winter Solstice Reflections: Embracing Your Inner Light and Setting Powerful Intentions for 2024
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YT: Life Happens Inside of Us

If you’re struggling in your business or personal life, we can help you find your clarity and to trust your own capacity to transform. Take the FREE Sacred Business Harmony Map Assessment™ : In this video, I discuss the importance of engaging with our experiences through

YT: Life Happens Inside of Us
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YT: Connection and Emotions: Taking Control

Connection is one of 9 Fundamental Frequencies of Sacred Business. Learn about its role in our relationship with ourselves, others, life, and the divine. Explore our connection with our bodies and our ability to control our emotions. Although it may feel like our emotions control us, we actually have the

YT: Connection and Emotions: Taking Control
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YT: Essence and Structure

Drawing from the ancient wisdom of Sanskrit terms sukha and sthira, we explore the delicate balance between the physical body and the blissful states experienced in meditation. Discover how tension in the body on the yoga mat reveals the interplay of essence meeting structure, symbolizing the broader spectrum of life&

YT: Essence and Structure
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YT: Embrace the Negative

Have you noticed that usually after you saying a big yes to yourself or a big yes to a new project, the feelings that come right after the big excitement are usually not pleasant feelings, and that's totally normal, but the mind tries to push that away. We

YT: Embrace the Negative
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YT: If your body always wins you lose

I'm a huge advocate for the wisdom of the body. I truly believe that our bodies hold incredible wisdom that we should learn to follow, even when our minds don't have all the answers. But here's the thing, there's another side to

YT: If your body always wins you lose
Members Public

YT: When was the last time you did something new?

I want to share a quick message with you. My work is always around balancing the nervous system, not only for performance and creativity, but also connection with the divine. And one of the challenges that we face is we don't experience enough of different things to notice

YT: When was the last time you did something new?